The mission

The primary mission of the GOinsitu website platform is to connect people interested in the rural world with the most authentic natural food and beverage producers so that they can meet in a unique natural environment.

GOinsitu’s ultimate mission is to create a community for the exchange of knowledge, experiences and products that benefit both visitors and producers, generating economic, social and environmental benefits, and achieving a more sustainable rural world.

The GOinsitu Community is made up of a range of small and medium-sized agricultural, livestock and handicraft companies that work in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way. They are the hosts who enthusiastically open their doors to the other segment of the Goinsitu Community, the interested visitors.

You can make reservations online for a multitude of experiences. Discover what the work of a shepherd is really like, making cheese with him/her. Visit the most beautiful vineyards in Spain. Experience the Iberian pig in its natural environment, la dehesa (a kind of pasture with Mediterranean oak trees). Taste the best pure black leg ham raised on acorns. Understand why extra virgin olive oil, the so-called liquid gold, is of the highest quality and the healthiest. Taste fresh orange juice and surround yourself with lemon trees that give off an unparalleled perfume. All that and much more in the hands of those who know the products and land the best: the professionals who make it all possible.

The vision of GOinsitu


With GOinsitu you can discover the important role that traditional agriculture and livestock play for our society, and you can do so in the natural environment where it occurs and taste the products.

We aim to preserve traditional knowledge, combined with new technologies. Therefore, our goal with this online platform is to maintain the agricultural, livestock and gastronomic heritage, including fundamental elements such as traditional varieties, native breeds and typical products; in short, the values that have designed the beauty of many landscapes and rural territories that are still preserved today.

GOinsitu strives to create synergies between tourism, agriculture and livestock, giving rise to fair trade that values what the rural environment provides us: relaxed environments where you can sense indescribable flavors and aromas, welcoming and fun hosts, the simple and the sophisticated, the rural narrated by its protagonists…

We believe that by connecting with the roots of essential activities for our day-to-day life, even though they are unknown to today’s society, you will be able to connect with the best of yourself and nature.

Origen de la empresa

Hi! I am Lorena, founder of this project; I have a degree in Environmental Sciences, a Master in Ecological Agriculture and Livestock as well as experience in the tourism sector. I hope GOinsitu helps you to enjoy the traditional agriculture and livestock that takes care of nature, of people and lead to the best products.

After an in-depth analysis of the rural environment, and being familiar with its current problems, we concluded that the best way for society to begin to value the food it consumes is for people to learn how it is produced, and the importance of doing so in a way that respects the environment.

It is a great challenge, but we are confident that visitors will have a fun and rewarding time, connecting through unique and authentic Experiences. That is our greatest hope and desire.

We promote exclusive and sustainable small-scale tourism that respects the environment, local culture, traditions and crafts related to agriculture, livestock and production.

Do you want to buy organic products ONLINE?

GOinsitu has a wide variety of high-quality products